Sethubandasana/Bridge pose is a shoulder supported asana. Ways to do sethubandasana :
- lie on the floor with knees bend and directly over heels.
- place arms at sides, palms down
- exhale, then press feet into the floor as you lift hips
- clasp hands under lower back and press arms down, lifting hips until thighs are parallel to floor, bringing the chest forward chin
- hold for 1 minute
Benefits of Sethubandasana :
- stretches the chest, neck, spine, and hips
- strengthens the back, buttocks, and hamstrings
- improves circulation of blood
Sethubandasana/Bridge pose is a shoulder supported asana. Ways to do sethubandasana :
- lie on the floor with knees bend and directly over heels.
- place arms at sides, palms down
- exhale, then press feet into the floor as you lift hips
- clasp hands under lower back and press arms down, lifting hips until thighs are parallel to floor, bringing the chest forward chin
- hold for 1 minute
Benefits of Sethubandasana :
- stretches the chest, neck, spine, and hips
- strengthens the back, buttocks, and hamstrings
- improves circulation of blood
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